Hiiker Help

Hiiker HelpAll currently published mapping from EastWest Mapping is available in both folded paper and laminated weatherproof versions. We also have a limited supply of flat unfolded copies for most…

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CrossesPictured here is Coolroe Cross where the word ‘Cross’ is a common term in rural Ireland for any meeting of roads. Coolroe Cross is a ‘three way’ cross i.e. a…

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Rural Shops

Rural ShopsThe cartographer has to investigate many aspects of a region in order to compile both a useful map and a portrait of the area. Many little small details as…

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BallindagginI was down in Ballindaggin area of North Wexford there last week, gathering a few placenames and sites of interest with particular thanks to folklore.ie for assistance. It was mentioned…

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BunderryThe name Bunderye is listed in the Civil Survey of Wexford of 1654-56, it’s a place along the barony and county bounds and listed in the description of same.Here it…

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MemorialsI have mixed opinions regarding personal memorials on the Irish uplands. After all many of our heights are crowned with great cairns laboriously built to commemorate some ancient king or…

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