Placenames & Heritage Notes


CoolasnaghtaFor the artic like week that’s in it, this photo is of a place called Coolasnaghta in Co.Carlow. You’ll pass above this valley if you take the narrow ‘Nine Stones…

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DúchruachPictured here is the rocky wild summit of Dúchruach with two of it’s several locháns.  It lies less than three kilometres as the crow flies from the well known Diamond…

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BluestacksOur valued & patient Donegal customers will be glad to hear that I’ve started out on two new maps for parts of Donegal. These are planned to be printed on…

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CrossesPictured here is Coolroe Cross where the word ‘Cross’ is a common term in rural Ireland for any meeting of roads. Coolroe Cross is a ‘three way’ cross i.e. a…

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