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Galtee Map of Year Award

Galtee Map of Year Award

The Galtee Mountains have plainly been a busy place this past year, notwithstanding travel restrictions and lockdowns.  This is evident from the Ireland Walking Awards run by Kieron Gribbon in conjunction with his site The Ireland Walking Guide. Apparently 1100+ walkers took a survey and voted on various categories, including in relation to above:

Irish Mountain of the Year: Galtymore Mountain

Irish Map of the Year: ‘Galtee’ by EastWest Mapping.

You can see the list here:

So thanks to everyone who voted for the Galtee map and to the various local walkers who helped check detail in the area. Whilst this country has many literary awards for book publishers & authors, this is the first I’ve heard of for maps, so fair dues to Kieron for coming up with the concept.

And if you’d like to purchase a copy of this fine map: