Thoughts on Navigation – Existing Resources
I’m glad to say that a good many people have our maps and report that they find them of interest and use. Doubtless this number includes a wide variety of skill levels in terms of navigation, from those to whom it is second nature to people who frown at the thought of figuring it all out. I’m going to write a short series of wee articles here, offering up some of my thoughts on the subject, which I hope will contain something of interest and practical use to all.
And what qualifies me to offer advice on the subject? Well, firstly if you go about the business of constructing maps, you’ve got to understand how they work, the strengths and limitations of the medium. And secondly, in a former working life, I helped people learn mountain navigation skills. It’s a truism that if you want to learn more about a subject, then teach it.
I’ll see how things develop as we go along but I’ve no intention to entirely reinvent the wheel in terms of explaining certain mechanics of navigation. There are some good enough resources already available online. For example the instructional videos on the Mountaineering Ireland website: Training Videos