This to advise users of our mobile app EastWest Maps of two updates:
1) The Android version of EastWest Maps app now displays location in Irish Grid co-ordinates. The current version is v91 and incorporates a couple of other bug fixes. You may have auto updates selected or have to do it manually via the Play Store according to your preferences.
2) The North Wicklow digital map for the EastWest Maps app has now been updated to show the new 1:25,000 scale detail for the area. See attached image for coverage of over 1500 sq kms and there is a generous overlap with the South Wicklow map to allow for practical use. The hatched area on this image shows additional digital detail that could not be included on the print maps due to sheet size. This extends to c 250 sq kms, the more useful parts being around Killiney, Dalkey and Dunlaoighre.
Good news is that this new North Wicklow digital map is a free update as agreed, to anyone who has purchased the older digital North Wicklow version. To update, first make sure you have a wi-fi or data connection. On Apple phones, swipe left on the map title to choose delete and then download again (no cost). On Android phones, use a long tap (hold your finger down) on the map title to choose delete and then download again (no cost).
If you wish to acquire this map or others, first download the EastWest Maps app from the AppStore or Play Store at no cost. You can then download a test map of Clare Island. Others maps like above are purchased using in app purchasing.
Please note that this North Wicklow digital map is a different product from the various print maps – it incorporates three print maps into one digital map plus additional data. It will only run on devices using Apple iOS or Android i.e. many phones and some tablets. It does not run on normal laptop or desktop systems. Please also note that our licence arrangements with ViewRanger finished some years ago. They should continue to support any users who purchased older EastWest Mapping maps i.e. if you change your phone and wish to re download the old map.