A few people have enquired recently as regards the future use of EastWest Mapping maps on the phone app ViewRanger which is to close. Please note that we had a licencing arrangement for the use of EastWest Mapping maps on ViewRanger that terminated in 2019. The understanding then was that ViewRanger would no longer sell our maps but would support existing customers of theirs as they changed phones and so on. If you purchased a premium map from ViewRanger then first and foremost you are a customer of ViewRanger and Outdooractive, the company that has bought them out. It’s their responsibility to look after you as a customer.
Notwithstanding above, I have enquired to see what the situation is for their customers who purchased our maps. The information listed below is what I’ve been told but please note that as we have no current business relationship with either of above companies I can’t guarantee that this is what will entail.
– The ViewRanger service will be switched off as of 1st March 2022 and will cease to operate. Customers have been invited to download the phone app Outdooractive and to transfer their details.
– It is expected that Ordnance Survey Ireland (OSi) 1:50K maps will be made available on the Outdooractive app to existing ViewRanger subscribers. That this will be implemented by end of February or early March.
– Outdooractive will not be hosting older ‘legacy maps’ from EastWest Mapping. This is largely for technical differences between the apps. They will instead offer existing owners of EastWest Mapping maps the service of the OSi mapping.
All current EastWest Mapping maps are hosted on our phone app EastWest Maps. It is not possible to transfer ViewRanger maps to EastWest Maps, different formats and in any case, the Dublin Wicklow mapping on ViewRanger has been replaced with complete new map detail on EastWest Maps.
This is an unfortunate turn of events but perhaps inevitable in the rapidly changing world of digital mapping, mobile devices, apps & business acquisitions.