Lugnaquilla & Glendalough Map Update

Lugnaquilla & Glendalough Map Update The Zig Zags. Following the recent despicable assault in Glenmalure, Co.Wicklow – please disregard the agreed access route symbol currently marked on our Lugnaquilla &…

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Brockagh Map Update

Brockagh Map Update If you have a copy of our Wicklow West and/or Lugnaquilla & Glendalough map, you might like to note the following map update. Thanks to map user…

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Avoca Map Update

Avoca Map Update If you have a copy of our Wicklow South and/or Wicklow South East map, you might like to note the following map update. It concerns the lovely…

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Brown Lines

Brown Lines What are the ‘brown lines’ on maps by EastWest Mapping? We use three line symbols for boundaries/ linear features on our maps ~ in green, black & brown.…

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School & Mass Paths

We are all encouraged to walk & cycle more now as a means of local transport. Cycle lanes and Greenways are built at some cost to encourage sustainable local transport.…

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Granite Tors

Granite Tors The Dublin Hills may be modest in height and terrain but they sport a few dramatic outcrops of rock. Granite tors as in the photo here can be…

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Rescuing Sheep

If you wander the hills, farmland or forest at all, you must eventually come across farm animals that are in a spot of bother. You could walk past thinking someone…

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Art O’Neill Challenge 2023

The now annual Art O’Neill Challenge takes place this January 13th. A challenge event journeying overnight from Dublin Castle to Glenmalure and commemorating the escape & flight of Art &…

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