EastWest Maps in Use
A lot of work and expense goes into making good quality mapping. Therefore it’s always reassuring to see our maps being put to good use, where it matters. This selection of photos is just a sample taken from social media posts in recent weeks. Typically from mountain skills, mountain leader and navigation courses run by many & varied trainers around the country. These include MadeToMove, HikeAndClimb, PeakPursuits, WayneJenkins, AdrianHendroff, TerraFirmaIreland, InMyElement, BrenWhelan, SineadPollock, NiallEnnis, EmmanuelChappard, FiaMountaineering, KerryClimbing, MaureenOBrien, MountainTrails, MarioMacRory, ColetteMahon and many others. Courses are either run for groups of individuals or through MI club training.
There is a lot of detail on many of our maps – you don’t necessarily need the fine detail for general navigation. You can look through and past this to the overall information on the maps, though your eye may well be drawn to look at interesting places. The extra detail though is useful for training purposes as it requires attention to the finer points of navigation. Adventure racing has also become popular, the most challenging of these events involve not only travelling quickly across country but also selecting the best route between control points. This requires detailed map reading with assessment of the best route, combined with fine navigation to find the control points. All possible with good quality detailed maps from EastWest Mapping.
If you have photos of EastWest maps in use, post and tag them or send them on. We’d love to see them!
#eastwestmapping #outdoorsireland #fiamountaineering #madetomove #hikeandclimb #letswalkwithwayne #adrianhendroff #terrafirmaireland #donegalclimbing #sineadpollockorr #hiking.ie #mountain_adventures74 #kerryclimbing.ie #mountaintrailsie #muddybootsguide #mountaineering_ireland