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Mweelrea & The Reek Map to Print

Mweelrea & The Reek Map to Print

After a long haul, I’m glad to say that our new Mweelrea & The Reek map at 1:25,000 scale is with the printer. It will likely be early 2024 till available for purchase and I’ll advise all then. This new map of necessity marked a return to original research of placenames. Sheets produced during Covid leant more on existing collections. However in the absence here of much similar information, nearly 30 local people have assisted with knowledge of their localities and we should be grateful to them for sharing and allowing this to be recorded for the benefit of future citizens.

Here’s a nifty video, showing the plotting of thousands of features that make up such a map: starting with background colours and moving onto contours, forests, water bodies, roads, placenames and finally the map cover and credits etc.

#eastwestmapping #mweelrea #mayohillwalkers