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I was down in Ballindaggin area of North Wexford there last week, gathering a few placenames and sites of interest with particular thanks to for assistance. It was mentioned that the chapel in Ballindaggin village had a map in the porch which I went along to view.

Now I’ve seen many such local heritage maps and indeed helped make a few but this one is quite unique. Three local ladies put their needlework skills and the result is a finely embroidered map of St.Colman’s Parish. It shows all the townlands in the parish along with a numbered list of sites of interest on the side, which numbers are also sewn into the map. Everything from graveyards, schools, forges to old shops, dip tubs and cairns etc.

So not exactly your usual standard map and must have required quite an amount of planning and skilled execution.

#eastwestmapping #irishhistory #blackstairs